OK here is my NS guide. First of all when you start out you want to build a temple, if I
am in a rain mood I build a rain temple, if I'm in a wind mood I build wind temple, I
usually never use thunder because it is to expensive and to easily protected against. Well
anyway once you get your temple going the first thing to do if you have allies you should
request alliance before your temple is built and look around at the map to see where good
outpost island are. OK by now your temple is built, the first thing to do is connect to
the geysers by your island, if a geyser is in a bad position don't spend forever trying to
connect to it, you can come back latter and connect to it but do make sure you are
connected to at least two and quickly get your priest going to the closest one. Now comes
bridging, first of all you need to find an "outpost island" find the one with
the most geysers on it or close to it, if you are on the side of the map build in and
threw, not up and over, because although if you build strait up and over it takes less
time, it takes longer for stuff "especially your priest" to travel. O.K., now
you should be connected to and outpost island or two, you should now get your priest to
build a workshop, I like to build wind first, make sure to leave room for as many
workshops as possible. After you get your workshop going you need to move your priest to
the best Outpost Island that is in a good range "you can judge that". Now you
should use all the money your priest has gathered to build as many golems as you can and
get them going to the nearest geyser (also if you aren't connected to al of the geysers by
your island you should do so now). By now your priest should be up close to the Outpost
Island, you need to put a generator and something to protect your priest with, in
production. Now the golems should have gotten enough money for a generator or two so build
generators up to where your priest is going to build an outpost, and then build it. Build
as many as you can and keep your priest protected with whatever you selected besides a
generator. Once you get all of your outpost's up get your priest back to your main island
to build another workshop, then about 3 golems from each outpost island to get money from
geysers. Now you need to try as quick as possible to get to your enemies island, but you
should also make small attacks on there outpost island to distract them (that is unless
they have a huge outpost island, in that case it is better to attack it that the main
island first). Now your priest should be back on the main island you need to build a sun
workshop and a rain workshop. In the time that, that is going on try to get closer to the
enemies island without spending too much money. Now that your workshops are built you need
to put in production: rain gen, cloud floater, sun barricade, and whirl base. Also upgrade
your rain workshop and when it is done upgrading put ice cannons into production. Get all
of your money, which you should have a lot by now and use it to build cloud floaters,
don't worry the money will come back quickly. O.K., you're at the enemies' island by now
so to start your attack, build your generators (try to build the to the back of your
attacking units, this does two things 1. Makes them harder for the enemy to destroy 2.
Gives you more room for your attack) also make sure to have 3or4 generators so you can
constantly build units. How I like to start on attacking an island is to first build sun
barricades, I like to put 2 layer of sun barricades too, next I set up a row of crossbows
in the front, then a big row of ice cannons in the back then just keep building units as
units are lost to keep the enemy busy. And after his island is gone go take care of his
out post's, sac his dude and its over.
Special tips
1. Hot keys for bridges are- q, w, a, s, z, and x.
2. When attacking and your out of money it is a good idea to fill in all the places the
opponent might put a unit with bridges.
3. Use meltdown with gen to break through bridges.
This guide is meant for beginners use it wisely and you will prosper. The most important
advice I can give is to learn and get good with the hot keys, and learn all of the
advantages and disadvantages of the units well.
Brought to you by- S_Spu^Turkey3
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